God's fire in the sky.

God's fire in the sky.
No matter how hard man tries, he can't replicate the smallest of God's glories.

The Whole Fam-Damily

The Whole Fam-Damily
". . . and the magic number is NINE, (count 'em 9)" ... l-r, Terry, Dan, Mark, Kevin, Kathy, Tom, Mom, Dad, Eileen, Richard & Tim, but who's counting??? =)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tie-dyeing with Willow as the Hurricane Ida approaches.

While the weather had it's way at the beach and chased away the sun worshipers and swimmers, we danced and played, (well, we 'played' hooky from house work, anyway.) Hurricane Ida, only a category one, was headed our way, with rain and winds.

Today we went to the house of Willow and Rogers to do some tie-dyeing. Dena had purchased a t-shirt at the local yoga studio her in Navarre. The girls from Yoga are going to get together in December to and tie-dye their shirts, but we won't be here.

As it happened, I went to meditation yoga a day or so later and met Willow who is a dyeing expert, "avec dehors l'egale" (with out equal). She was gracious enough to invite Dena (& I) to decorate the shirt before we left for home in Illinois and teach us the process, as Dena may help our northern yoga studio do the same thing.

It was relatively easy as Willow lead us through the procedure. First, add the design of our choice to the shirt (excluding some trade secret patterns). Then, prepare the shirt to receive the dye. Next, fold around the design and tie segments with sinew to separate the colors. Now, apply color, and allow to dry. Finally wash several times to stop the possible bleeding.

I tied an old shirt that was stained and not worn very often, the new colors should cover any old blemishes. I should look pretty "far out" when I get it back from Willow.

You can order shirts, hoodies, dresses, drapes, wall hangings, etc, from Mellow Tie Dye.com . (Ask about the "dragon fly" it is the coolest, but not on the website yet.) Willow is "vivacious", (I don't mean to over-use the word, but it fits her, too) not at all like the name of the business (Mellow) that she and her friend in Texas formed . She is sweet, energetic and a lot of fun to be around. She and her husband were in the Air Force together and spent most of their time, stationed here in Northwest Florida. They wound up living here and have a beautiful house in Navarre.

Dena and Willow ( left) at the studio. Hubby, Rogers was rained out at work, so we had a photo-opp with him too. He is working on a very big, new steel mill in Alabama. Their dog Scarlett had a sore foot, but was very sweet, ignoring the pain. The children were at school, but perhaps we will meet them next time.

Does shirt make me look slimmer???? Pretty soon everyone on the block will want
one. The heart on the back was supposed to be straight, but everyone seems to like the mistake. I like the way the camera makes my bald spot shine like a beacon. I'm doing all the picture taking from now on.=)

As the clouds rolled in and the rains came in advance of the storm (now, thank God the hurricane has been down grade to Tropical Storm Ida.), the wind surfers were enjoying
unusually strong wind. They were skimming by at frightening speeds. The wind was strong enough to allow the surfer to be pulled skyward as much as ten feet off the water. "Pretty cool."

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